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SV Foundation

Sauquoit Valley Foundation 

SV Foundation

Our Mission: To promote and support excellence in the Sauquoit Valley community.

What is the Sauquoit Valley Foundation?

The foundation is a private, non-profit, independent organization that continually builds a pool of charitable funds to be used to ensure the continued quality of life and education in the Sauquoit Valley.

Who manages the fund?

The foundation is managed by a Board of Directors and the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer.

How are funds raised?

  • Annual golf tournament
  • Alumni contributions
  • Family and memorial tributes
  • Engraved bricks for our Community Walkway
  • Periodic fundraisers
  • Endowment fund
  • Estate planning contributions

How Can I Get Involved?

To volunteer, contact a Board member or use the “contact us” link on the website.  The Foundation is always looking for new and energetic people to help with current projects.

When does the Foundation meet?

Meetings are the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the high school library.  All are welcome, please check our calendar for exact dates.

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Cathy Nicotera

Vice President
Tony Nicotera

Carol Dunlay

Recording Secretary
Stacey Madore

Corresponding Secretary
Joanne Eisinger

Board Members
Kathy Briggs
Becky Canaguier
Kristy Christian
Clare Ferguson Fahy