What is the Sauquoit Valley Foundation?
It is a private, non-profit, independent foundation that continually builds a pool of charitable funds to be used to ensure the continued quality of life and education in the Sauquoit Valley.
What is its purpose?
The purpose of the Foundation is to enhance educational programs and projects in the Sauquoit Valley Central School and community.
Who manages the fund?
The Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors that consists of a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer as well as other Board members.
How are funds raised?
- Alumni contributions
- Community contributions
- Honorary contributions
- Memorial contributions
- Family tributes
- Engraved brick sales for the Community Brick Walkway
- Annual golf tournament
- Periodic fundraisers
- Creation of an endowment fund
- Estate planning contributions
When does the Foundation meet?
Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM in the high school library. Occasionally meetings are changed due to a conflict. Check our calendar for the next meeting date. Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend.
How can I volunteer to help?
Please use the "contact us" link or call a Board member to volunteer. We are always looking for new and energetic people to help with Foundation projects.
How can I make a tax deductible contribution?
- Donate on the website
- Send a check to: Sauquoit Valley Foundation, 2601 Oneida St., Sauquoit, NY 13456
- Make a United Way contribution with Sauquoit Valley Foundation as the designee
- Make a donation when estate planning
- Attend one of our fund raisers (click for a calendar of events)
- Volunteer at an event or for a project
- Buy bricks for the Community Brick Walkway
- to honor someone special
- in memory of someone special
- for a special event
- to recognize a graduating student or class
- to remember a class reunion
- to honor a sports team